Regular Meeting – April 1, 2014


           I.               CALL TO ORDER: The Regular Meeting of the Weaverville Fire Protection District was called to order by Chairman, Arden Potter at 16:01.  Members present: Mike Williams, Larry Helsley, Bill Britton and George Owen. Members absent: None.  Others present: Chief Scott Alvord, Clerk Lisa Guglielmina, Ernie Curran, and John Hodges.


         II.               CONSENT AGENDA:

A.    Approve Regular Meeting Minutes of March 4, 2014 –

B.     Approve Warrant List and Journal Entries –

MSC: Williams/Helsley to approve consent agenda as presented.


       III.               PUBLIC HEARING: Opened 4:05 p.m. by Chairman, Arden Potter

A. Final/Adoption of Ordinance 14-01 of the California Fire Code with amendments. – Chief, Scott Alvord went over the Ordinance and the amendments.  John Hodges had questions on sprinkler systems in mobile homes and retrofitting. Only newly manufactured mobile homes will need to have sprinklers; if already built and then purchased, no retrofitting needed.  Question on Section 907.2.11.3. 

There being no other questions or comments from the public, the Public Hearing was closed at 4:19 p.m.

No questions or comments from the Board.

MSC Williams/Britton to waive the reading and accept/adopt Ordinance 14-01 as presented.

Roll Call Vote: Ayes – 5, Noes – 0, Abstain – 0, Absent – 0


       IV.               ACTION ITEMS:

A.        Discuss/Approve applying as an OES Type III Engine assignee - OES has ordered 25 Type III Engines that they wanted to place in region 3.  WFD would keep the water tender and staff both if called out, with coverage still left in Weaverville.  If the district commits to the Type III, then the current Type III engine would go to Station 2 and the OES Type III would stay at station 1.  It would come equipped and has a pumping capability of 500 GPM, 20 foot ladder and 4WD.  Questions on maintenance; would be the same as the OES WT-32.  Questions on other departments and qualified members to accompany on incidents.

            MSC Britton/Owen to authorize the Chief to fill out the OES agreement for the Type III Engine.  



A.    Hazardous Reduction Progress Report: Rain has held up the operation the last two weeks.  Working on Timber Ridge and Mill Street area.  Chief is going to recruit more workers; there is another round of grants available.     


B.     Fire Chief/Marshall Report:  

·        Stand-alone sprinkler flow test on East Weaver (Brinkley)

·        Chico OES assignment meeting

·        Explorer academy – explorers did very well

·        Red Cross Wildfire meeting

·        Disaster Council meeting

·        Rotary lunch – presentation on Shasta County home burn

·        Would like to host another Rotary lunch at WFD to talk about ISO

·        Support Services recruitment and retention seminar and meetings

·        Architect will look at dorms for free

·        ISO follow-up; new training log

·        SDRMA target solutions for training on-line

·        Thursday 4/3 webinar for target solutions

·        Live fire training at the old Farmers building went very well

·        No leads on a new duty rig so far


C.    Sleeper Program Reports: Ernie Curran reported things are going well.  Prepped the building for the live fire training.   


D.    Committee Reports:

·        Recruitment Committee: A group of firefighters, explorers and Larry Horrocks attended the THS ‘Spring Fling’ to recruit; received 6 new applicants.

·        Collection Committee: Receiving payments on a regular basis.

·        Contract Committee: No report.

·        Tuition Committee: The Department loaned the two firefighters the money for the firefighter academy, and will be reimbursed through the Strive program

·        Budget Committee: First meeting set up for April 22, 10:00a.m.


E.     Director Reports: Williams- SDRMA has good resources.  Helsley – Questions regarding Shasta College live fire training.  Owen – Thank you to Scott and Ernie for the smooth operations on the live fire training.                                            


       VI.               PUBLIC COMMENTS: None


     VII.               CORRESPONDENCE: None.     


  VIII.               ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 17:07 hours.



__________________________                                    __________________________

    Arden Potter, Chairman                                           Lisa Guglielmina, Clerk of the Board